Saturday, February 18, 2012

Top 10 Ways to Prevent Urban Wildlife Problems

Having problems with unwanted wildlife friends? Check out your home to make sure you aren't creating a welcoming environment for them to thrive in.
  • Don't leave cat or dog food outside at night. 
  • Don't leave bird seed in feeders or on the ground overnight.
  • Don't put unsecured garbage outside at night.
  • If you have a pet door, securely close at night.
  • Trim overhanging branches that provide easy access to our roof for squirrels and other wildlife. 
  • If ou have a chimney, make sure that it has a secure cap. Chimneys without caps are an open invitation to birds and raccoons looking for "hollow trees" in which to raise their young. 
  • Thoroughly inspect your roof, eaves and siding for signs of damage. Cover attic vents and other roof openings with heavy-gauge, rust proof wire mesh.
  • If you have a deck, install an L-Shaped barrier to prevent animals from digging underneath it and creating a "den."
Best way to get rid of current unwanted "urban wildlife" is to remove food sources and comfy environments. Try these ideas!
  • Restrict food supply (Don't leave out trash bags, pet food, and pick up dog waste.)
  • Eliminate access to den sites (Under decks, porches, between fences, etc.)
  • Use aversion techniques
    • Water Hose (Low tech, low cost)
    • ScareCrow Motion sprayer: 
    • Super Soaker (Leave filled and ready to shoot. Also low tech, but it works!)
Next time you consider setting out rat poison consider its long term effects.
  • Over time rats develop a tolerance to the poison humans set out.
  • Hawks and owls eat multiple poisoned rodents and die, decreasing the hawk/owl population.
  • This results in a larger rat population because there are less animals around to prey on rats.
Before you set a trap or patch a hole, call 911 WildLife and get professional advice!
For more information about Urban Wildlife, please contact Bonnie Bradshaw at or 214.368.5911. DFW contact numbers below.

Dallas 214.368.5911
Fort Worth 817.737.0911
Denton 940.898.0911
Sherman 903.893.2911